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I'll Show You Mine

As promised, a quick run down of the PCs at home. I don't have names for the PCs since none of them are networked (that will come some time in the future) so I will refer to them as Mo'opuna (grandchild), Keiki (child), Kane (man).

Mo'opuna isn't being used much now. It, as well as Keiki have Shuttle motherboards (HOT-555 I think). It has a Pentium 120MHz. If I remember right, a Fujitsu 800MB HD, 32MB of RAM and runs Win95/Office97. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with this. Either rip the guts out of it and replace the mobo/CPU, HD, and RAM or maybe use it to experiment with Linux (Caldera 2.2).

Keiki is used by SWCNBD (she who can not be denied). Up until last night, it was the PC I was using to experiment with Linux (more on that another day). As of last night, its running Win98SE. It has a Pentium 166 MHz, 64MB of RAM, a 2GB Maxtor HD, SB AWE64 sound card, and a Diamond Stealth 3D 2000 video card. She will be using it for making her monthly calendars with PrintShop Premier Edition. Later, I'll add Office2000 so she can do her letters and stuff.

Kane is mine. It has an Abit BX-6 Rev. 2 motherboard with a 400MHz Celeron, 128MB of RAM, 6.2GB Maxtor HD, 3D Blaster Riva TNT 16MB AGP video, and SB Live! audio. This one also runs Win98SE and will have NT2000 installed on February 17, 2000.

Friday will have the tales of Linux and other horror stories. Just in time for All Saints' Day


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 28, 1999 6:59 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Service With a Smile. Not..

The next post in this blog is Caldera Linux 2.2 Install.

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