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The Sands of Time

From top to bottom, we live in unstable times.

The pillars of stability are dead or dying. The major religions are under attack for their misdeeds, real or imagined. NATO is impotent, guarding against a foe that is no longer. The UN, if it ever had any power, is deadlocked. Our national security has been breached. Our federal government sees enemies under every bed and passes laws more onerous than that could be forced on us by external governments. Our state government is preoccupied with style, while the substance is left wanting. Our county government is in caretaker mode while services go down the tubes.

Never before have there been so many breaches in the bulwarks against evil. During the US Depression of the 30s, government was there to help heal the economic wounds that stole the very soul of American optimism. During the world wars, the great armies of men were directed by leaders seeking to stop madmen bent on using power towards evil purposes. During the Reformation, light was brought to the darkness that was man's plight. These are no more.

We are at once in great danger and great opportunity. For 10 years, the US economy had bountiful harvests. The wise saved to provide for themselves during the lean years. Those lean years are now here. I wish I knew which situations were opportunities and which lead only to danger, but I don't. So good luck Mr. and Mrs. America, wherever you are.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 14, 2003 7:33 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Go Ahead, Make My Day.

The next post in this blog is But it's so obvious.

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