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A Blog Apart

SixApart, the company behind the Movable Type weblogging system, is set to launch a new "hosted" service called TypePad. There isn't a whole lot over at the TypePad site but the story here gives some of the details:

Like its rival, Blogger, the new system will be stored along with the user's writing on a central server. This means that, for the first time, budding webloggers who want to use Movable Type - regarded as the one of the most powerful weblog-building systems - will not have to hire server space from hosting companies. Nor will they need to go through the sometimes difficult processes required to install the Movable Type system on their server.

It is expected that there will be three tiers of pricing, with varying levels of features and complexity. Pricing will be officially announced in May, with a public beta (or test) version being launched in June.

Sorry about forgetting to put the link in to the story about the MS patch that brings Windows XP to a crawl (CPU utilization spikes to 100 percent). The link is now in (see yesterday's post). I can also say there appears to be a similar problem with Windows 2000 although I'm not sure it's the same patch or another. I've been hit recently with a slow as molasses response times from two of my three Windows 2000 PCs. I say appears because while the patch was loaded on my PCs, only two of the three are affected and removing the specific patch doesn't seem to help that much.

Otherwise, the symptoms are the same. Changes to network settings slow to a stop. Virus software and ZoneAlarm abends. "Savings settings", when shutting down takes minutes to complete. CPU usage spikes to 100 percent.

At first, I thought virus or drive failure. But now that others are reporting this, perhaps not. YMMV.



This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 24, 2003 8:20 AM.

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