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Wednesday Wobbles

FR24 Update Part Deux. Fellow Daynoter Dave Markowitz (see his site here) commented yesterday on my trouble with the Hawking Tech FR24 about a Linux-based solution found here. As with many Linux solutions, it does require getting your hands dirty and recompiling the kernel, editing configuration files, and creating scripts but hey, that's half the fun right? [It must be time to readjust Dan's meds again - ed.].

In either case, when I can get the needed hardware together and do a RedHat minimum developmental install I see if I can get this thing running. Be aware, however, it may be awhile as I still have a bunch of things to do, like finish painting our front house, changing the shower head and vanity faucet in the back house guest bathroom, refinish the coffee table and end tables, and finding a good over-under to fling some shot at the proverbial partridge in a pear tree.

A big mahalo to Dave for the link!

Wall-to-Wall. With a new, larger flat-panel LCD monitor at work, I need to get higher resolution wallpapers. One of my favorite spots is the Hubble telescope gallery (see it here). They have wallpapers to 1280X1024 (which is what I'm running). If you're interested in astronomy, or awesome images of the universe, and haven't been there before take a look. If you have your own sites that have great wallpapers let me know and I'll try to make a list.

Hubble telescope pic


Comments (1)


[quote]...that's half the fun right? [It must be time to readjust Dan's meds again - ed.]. [/quote]

new meds really needed, it should be not half but all the fun ...

I actually prefer to use a walpaper that's one size smaller than my resolution. That way I can arrange my icons around it whithout obscuring the picture.


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