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Monday Mistral

Mr. Tom Kobayashi portrait by Ansel Adams My wallpaper for the week is different from what I usually have. This one is from photographer Ansel Adams and his "Suffering under a Great Injustice": Ansel Adams's Photographs of Japanese-American Internment at Manzanar (collection front door from the US Library of Congress here).

The specific image is of Mr. Tom Kobayashi, an internee at Manzanar.

Many of the images are available as medium resolution jpegs and/or high resolution tiff files for free download. Note that the tiff files can be as large as almost 20MBs so pause and reflect on this before clicking on one of them. Note also that you can purchase 8 X 10 inch or 11 X 14 inch archival quality prints from the negatives directly from the Library of Congress for something like $60US. This is a bargain seeing that Adams prints regularly sell for $175 and originals, printed by Adams, run as high as $40,000.

Adams print of wharf in San Diego, CA. Another source of Adams's prints is the University of California Fiat Lux collection here. The collection includes 1,761 images from a book commissioned by the University of California to commemorate its centennial celebration. From start to finish Adams took four years to complete the task of photographing the various campuses.

Photo Credit: 87.27.6.UCSD.11.10 - Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, long wharf, sculpture of native american plaque. Contemporary Image from Original Negative by Ansel Adams, UCR/California Museum of Photography, Sweeney/Rubin Ansel Adams Fiat Lux Collection, University of California, Riverside.

Adams image of guiser And finally, over 200 images from an effort for the US Department of the Interior to document the western national parks see it here. The title for this one is: Erupting, against dark sky, "Old Faithful Geyser, Yellowstone National Park," Wyoming. (vertical orientation).

You can directly search the US National Archives & Records Administration here for this and other items.

I don't know if I've mentioned it here or not but Adam's images of the national parks, especialy Yosemite and Yellowstone are my favorites. I bought a print from the Adams Gallery called "Moon and Half Dome" (see it here) a couple of years ago. If I had the money, I'd get a bunch more.

Fair and Balanced. Not. I'm heartened to see that comedian Al Franken's new book "Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right" has its sales boosted by the misguided lawsuit filed by Fox News (see the story here).

This story is filled with irony. Who would of thought a news organization, protected by the First Amendment to the US Constitution, would try to institute prior restraint on a work like Franken's? And Hollywood could not have written a character more full of himself than one of their spokesman who said; "the network was 'considering its options' on whether to pursue the case. 'We don't care if it's Al Franken, Al Lewis or "'Weird Al'" Yankovic,' he said. 'We're here to protect our trademark and our talent.'"

Talent. Is that how they view their reporters?



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