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Friday FYI

MacGyver would be proud of Daryl Seaton. It seems Seaton and his wife were caught in a early season snow storm in Colorado. Stranded for two days in their SUV, they waited for help. While he had a cell phone, the battery was dead, and so would he if they didn't get word to authorities. So he took the battery from his camera and a band aid and made the call that brought the helicopter to their rescue.

Back in the day of VDTs, where monitors didn't display any graphics, much less ultra wide XVGA in 16 million colors, there was ASCII art (and yes, there was p0rn even back then). Check out this site here that goes one step farther: ASCII movies. Note that they require Javascript to be enabled.

Hubble image of Saturn Wallpaper for the Week. The Hubble telescope does it again in this series of images of Saturn. Taken in March and April of this year, the images show Saturn's rings at their maximum tilt of 27 degrees. The maximum occurs approximately once every 30 years and gives astronomers the best view of the planet's southern pole.

The images were taken in visible, ultraviolet, and infrared light to allow researchers the opportunity to study different characteristics of Saturn's atmosphere.

Read the full story here.

Have a Great Weekend Everyone - Aloha!

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Try this ASCII demo (portable between un*x and DOS):



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