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I'm beginning to become somewhat of a media junky. By that I mean I've added a couple of journalism related blogs to my morning journey through cyberspace. Yesterday I came across the blog of Terry Heaton, He has a series of essays about postmodern journalism and what are the implications for change.

Here's just one snippet:

Postmodernism doesn't make sense. Its roots are buried in chaos and chance. Taking a page from MTV's playbook and inserting it into CNN's is like trying to mate a lion with a sheep in order to produce a more gentle lion. Excitement and anticipation? Oh sure, but ultimately the lion just ends up with a tasty meal.

Thanks to Ian Lind for the link.

Busy day today so I gotta go. Have a good one.



This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 6, 2003 7:53 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Wednesday Witenagemot.

The next post in this blog is Friday FUBAR.

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