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Out of Commission

Speaking of the unreal. Sometimes, I have to wonder if the present administration in Washington is evil or just really, really stupid. This article here says the Bush administration is looking into what has to be done to postpone the presidential elections in November in the event of a terrorist attack.

Excuse my paranoia here but why would we need to postpone an election? In my opinion, the only reason would be if all 50 states were attacked simultaneously and because of the destruction, all 50 election commissions were eliminated. Barring that, there is absolutely no reason to be even launching such a trial balloon.

The founders set up a system that has been resilient through two world wars and various conflicts. A terrorist attack does not mean we need to postpone anything. Yes, it's always good to be prepared and have contingency plans in place, but we are talking about end of the world kinds of attacks. If such does occur, voting would probably not be high on the list of things to be worrying about.

Otherwise, the only reason to "temporarily" postpone an election is to avoid being voted out of office. I realize dictators in ThirdWorld countries do this all the time and become Presidents for life. But, this is the USA so it really makes me angry when politicians in Washington start talking about postponing elections.

I know this is becoming almost trite, but we are doing to ourselves what terrorist could never do. We may as well burn the Constitution now and be done with it rather than continue with the facade perpetuated by this administration.



This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 12, 2004 8:31 AM.

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The next post in this blog is Out of Luck.

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