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Hurricane Charlie in Florida cost: billions. Tree trunk through your house wall cost: thousands. FEMA check to make you whole again: $1.69. Priceless.

This article proves once again that stupidity knows no political party. The US Federal Emergency Management Agency sent a check to a Florida man who pleaded for help after hurricane Charlie roared through his state. FEMA sent him a check for $1.69 which, in Florida, gets you less than a gallon of gas.

To be fair, the man has insurance so at least some of the damage will be covered, but after the shock of seeing your house shredded it can leave less than a satisfying taste in your mouth to get such a check. In fact, his reaction of shock and then falling apart and crying is not unexpected. Except, I guess, by federal bureaucrats.

If you think this kind of stuff is only from the Feds, think about this one. Another man in Florida didn't have house insurance, but he tried calling local contractors because he needed to fix his roof before further damage occurred due to the rain getting into the house. But since all the local contractors were busy gouging people with insurance, he couldn't get any help. So he called a contractor friend living in another county to help.

Out of the goodness of his heart, the friend shut down his shop for a week and came to help fix the roof. But within days, two county sheriffs and two state business regulators were threatening the friend with a third-degree felony for helping (at no charge) his friend.

Now, Republicans love to trumpet how the are business friendly. And the last time I looked, Florida is run by Republicans (as is the Federal Government), so how are these two stories examples of being business friendly or even Conservative Compassion? Or for that matter, being voter friendly? Heck, how are these examples of just being friendly, period?


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