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Uke Too

Ukulele is just not one of those musical instruments that many people want to hear or play. I mean, when was the last time you saw an air ukulele contest? Or saw Eddie Van Halen burning the strings out of one with his fingers? Rather, you are more likely to see Bob Hope and Bing Crosby crooning with a uke than you are The Who. It's just considered to be too light weight for serious musicians.

But one man, by the name of Jake Shimabukuro is getting some good press (as is the instrument itself here) during his Summer tour across the US and Asia. Shimabukuro, who is from Hawai'i, has been putting on his dynamic shows for awhile now and if you've never seen someone who can play, really play, the ukulele, then go see him.

I say go see him for two reasons. The first is because I can't find samples of his music at the usual places so you can't otherwise hear his music. The second is because when you see him play live you see the energy that Shimabukuro exerts while using every last ounce of expression that the instrument can produce.

As always, his music isn't for everyone. But if you ever get a chance, spend a few minutes listening and see if you don't agree that there is no one better out there right now.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 26, 2004 8:55 AM.

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