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Honest Differences

Speaking of miracles. I find it a miracle that so many self-described typography experts have come out of the slime saying it was impossible for the CBS documents to have been created by a typewriter in 1972.

With all due respect to them, I have to question their conclusion because it cannot be supported by the evidence. That is, to say the documents could only have been done in Microsoft Word is to draw a conclusion no expert would make.

There is uncertainty in all things. At best, an expert can give a probability. But to say with metaphysical certitude (apologies to The McLaughlin Group) that a document is written by a certain person 30 years ago is not as easy task. In fact, using the faulty methodology used by some, almost any typewritten document could look like any other document.

Now, let me be clear, I don't know if the documents in question are forgeries or not. But remember, the Forces of Evil don't care if they are real either. What they want to do is spread fear, uncertainty, and doubt. All I can say about that is: Mission Accomplished.

Now that some more thoughtful people have weighed in, like PC Magazine in an article here, or another source here, there is some doubt about the doubters.

Again, I don't know if the documents are forgeries, but given the evidence that pundits have been using and methods used, neither can they.


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