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These Aren't the Droids You're Looking For

I've talked about an article in the Atlantic about President Bush's Senior Advisor and Assistant to the President, Karl "Baghdad Bob" Rove before. But now that the Atlantic article is on the Internet, you can read it for yourself.

The article is a chilling indictment of a man who uses fear and/or anger to motivate people to vote. It doesn't matter if he makes charges up out of thin air, the thing is to win. The means to that end is always justified, at least in his mind.

The problem is that the democratic process is the loser. Freedom is lost. Truth is lost. Justice is lost. The very values that make this country strong are pushed aside in favor of fear, uncertainty, and doubt. We, as a nation, are weakened by these tactics.

And you know what? It's working. The few feeble minded voters that he needs to tip the balance are being swayed by his charges. He has whipped them up into a blind fury. Raised their anger levels to such a high state that they no longer think for themselves because the minds of such people are easily influenced.

This coming election, the voting for which has already started locally, could be the most important in our history. Think for yourself and then choose wisely.


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Politics is fun isn't it.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 20, 2004 8:47 AM.

The previous post in this blog was A Lost Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste.

The next post in this blog is Your Lack of Faith Disturbs Me.

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