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Microsoft vs. Novell vs. Truth

The Windows operating system is a tool. Like any other tool, there may be times that it is appropriate for the job. Hence, to say it has no use is nonsense in light of the millions of people who use it and are quite happy to continue to do so. Screaming that Linux is the One True Way only helps them dig in their heels.

Conversely, I think Microsoft (MS) has learned a lot about politics and how things work as a result of the lawsuits brought by the states and the recent republican strategy in the Presidential race. However, none of it is good.

It seems MS's Steve Ballmer sent out a memo to customers last week that implies Windows has economic and security advantages over open-source software and warned that Linux users are liable for intellectual property lawsuits. This is part of Microsoft's Get the Facts Web site effort to spin the truth. Essentially, it attacks Linux on its strengths by lying. Hmmm, sounds vaguely familiar.

To its credit, Novell countered with their own website called Unbending the Truth. Unfortunately, Novell may be spinning reality in their own way rather than using the sharp tip of truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth as a sword to clear away Microsoft's FUD.

Given the recent elections, I think the only response to a lie that works is to tell the truth as simply and clearly as possible. Don't use an essay when a paragraph will do. Don't use a paragraph when one sentence will do. And don't use a sentence when one word will do. But in all cases, do not spin. Do not shade.

Keep it simple and tell only the truth. It's the American Way.


Comments (1)


"Keep it simple and tell only the truth. It's the American Way."
But the truth is not simple.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 4, 2004 8:32 AM.

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