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Cuban Content

I've been reading Mark Cuban's blog, off and on, for maybe a year now. I got linked to his site, I think, via a mention in Doc Searls blog.

Mr. Cuban appears to be, like the professional basketball team he owns, a maverick. Being a maverick is not always a Good Thing. But in his case, it is. Mr. Cuban speaks forthrigthly and with conviction. Conviction based on common sense and the research he does before he writes about anything.

So I am pleased that he is writing on the issue before the US Supreme Court regarding Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc., et al. v. Grokster, Ltd., et al. No. 04-480 (see this link for his additional info on the RIAA claims). He makes the clear case for technological innovation versus fear of losing control over content distribution (yes, I know, Doc hates the term).

Clearly, digital technology and distribution of music/movies over the Internet can revolutionize how artistic works are offered to their customers. Previously, a few companies controlled everything. But with the coming of the Internet, broadband connections, and digital technology, artists can now cut out the middlemen and have conversations directly with their customers.

The powers that be are clearly frightened by this and are doing the best they can to muzzle these conversations. If they win, innovations such as the Xerox machine, VCR, cassette tapes, recordable CD-ROMs/DVDs, and Tivo-type DVRs would all have been illegal (and just about all of them were opposed by these very same companies/associations using the very same arguments saying the sky would fall if they became popular and that their primary, nay only, use was to illegally copy content. Thus, stealing money from the mouths of their children).

I am especially pleased that not only does Mr. Cuban oppose these attempts to stifle digital innovation, he is willing to fund the EFF's efforts against them. This folks, is walking the walk. This is declaring to all where he stands.

Thank you Mark Cuban. We need more people like him.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 30, 2005 7:41 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Blowing Hot Air.

The next post in this blog is Firefox 1.0.2 Security Update.

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