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Stop, or I'll Shoot

The state of New Mexico passed a 2004 law that provides for the permitting of citizens to carry a concealed weapon if "they complete firearms training and pass national and local criminal background check."

Since then, approximately 3,100 New Mexico citizens have received the permits. Although I'm sure many people thought the world would end with so many gun toting people running around, it hasn't happened.

In fact, until last week, none of the permitees had discharged their weapons (other than, perhaps, at the shooting range). It seems a 72 year-old volunteer named Due Moore, with the police department's cold case unit, observed a man stabbing a woman. Apprarently, Moore ordered the man to stop, but the man continued to stab the woman, so Moore fired his weapon and killed the assailant. [See the article here]

The article says, under New Mexico law, it is up to the District Attorney's office to decide whether to prosecute Moore. However, the preliminary investigation appears to support a justificable action.

I know, a lot of people think, since I'm a Democrat, that I'm against all guns. That is incorrect. I have no problems with guns. In high school, I was a member of a National Rifle Association affliated rifle shooting club. Later, I became an adult member of the NRA (I am no longer a member, but the reasons for that have no bearing on this subject).

Target shooting, I believe, can build concentration and discipline (not to mention having a lot of fun). That said, I do have problems with people who shouldn't have guns using them, but I am all for law abiding citizens being able to protect themselves and others. Bottom line is as long as you responsbily use firearms, I have no problem with citizens owning and using them.



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