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Wal*Mart Rollback

I've taken Wal*Mart management to task for their virulent opposition to their workers organizing into unions. But I have to give them their due for their planning and implementation of their emergency response plan for hurricane Katrina. From what I understand, they pre-positioned trucks filled with the kinds of goods that the survivors would need and rolled those trucks within 48-hours of the storm passing through.

This is an outstanding example of what private enterprise can do when its goals coincide with the public good. Well done to Wal*Mart. If only governments (local, state, and federal - save for the Coast Guard) could plan and implement so well.

With more storms coming, it is worth repeating that for the first three days after such an event, you are on your own. Individuals must take responsibility for their own safety and welfare. You must have your own emergency kit that includes food, water, clothing, medications, bedding, and whatever else you need during that period immediately after an event. Do not expect help from anyone except yourself so prepare now.

As for us, with two or three hurricanes in our area right now, you better believe we've checked our emergency kit to make sure we are prepared. Although hurricanes may not be a problem in your neck of the woods, there are tornadoes, earth quakes, avalanches, mud slides, and other disasters. So, be prepared.


Pacific storm tracks.

Comments (1)


Earth quakes are the odd one out but, just like elections, all the other disasters are predictable.


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