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Firefox 1.5 Goes Gold

The Firefox browser version 1.5 went gold on Tuesday. I downloaded the Windows version that night and the Linux version on Wednesday. So far, other than extensions being broken (something that seems to happen on a regular basis), it runs fine. Although, I don't see much of a difference in performance or features.

For those installing the Linux version, there's only one tar ball for i386 but it works in Xandros Deluxe 3.01 except for a GTK2 error that doesn't seem to cause any noticeable problems. If you want a Debian specific version, you will need to try searching Google for a backport. Otherwise, just use the tarball and extract the files. No need to compile and I didn't need to add any libraries or other programs. Just extract and click on the "firefox" file. All your current Firefox settings will be read. Amazing. Now, when the day comes that installing all Linux applications is this easy will be the day that Linux is ready to replace the Windows desktop. That day has just become a bit closer.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 1, 2005 7:03 AM.

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The next post in this blog is Spyware 1: Trust 0.

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