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Ed Case for US Senate

Warning: Political views below. Send the children, women, and small pets into the other room before reading. These are my own opinions. Insert disclaimer here.

Hawaii Congressman Ed Case dropped a bomb shell on local politics yesterday when he announced he would be running against incumbent Hawaii Senator Daniel Akaka. In local politics, it is rare for one Democrat to run against an incumbent Democrat. Usually, if it occurs at all, it is because the incumbent has legal problems and the powers that be anoint someone else to run (usually a former public school teacher or principal). No such problems are known to exist for the beloved Senator Akaka.

And yet, Rep. Case announced his intention to do just that. Why? Blame the Republicans. First, I must note that I am very distantly related to Rep. Case's children and have provided some small financial support to his campaigns (nowhere near the legal maximum allowed). That said, and I'm not providing any insider information - just my idle speculation - I think Rep. Case has planned his run for some time and he assumed that Senator Akaka would retire this year - thus leaving the way clear for his run.

I further believe Senator Akaka did plan to retire this year. That is, until the Republican's went back on their word to hear the proposed measure commonly referred to as the Akaka Bill . This legislation would start the process to organize native Hawaiians in order to provide a voice in our own governance. Had such hearings and votes occurred, I think the bill could very well have passed and then become law. But, due to behind the scenes arm twisting by certain conservative Republicans, the hearings were put on hold. Some would say permanently.

To have come so close, after so many years, must have been heart wrenching to Senator Akaka. So, his decision to run for one more term to try to get this bill back on track is understandable. And that, dear friends, may turn out to be the highest mountain Representative Case will have to overcome.

Yes, it is time for a change. Yes, both of our incumbent Senators are in their 80s and there is a need to transition to the next generation so that at least one of the new Senators can begin to accumulate seniority. Yes, Representative Case may better represent the current generation of Hawaii's more moderate citizens. But can he carry forward the Akaka Bill? Does he want to? And if he does, would it make any difference to the Republicans opposed to the bill?

As we have seen in the past, fear is sometimes a strong force in resisting change. Even if that change is in your own best interest, fear can make it difficult to implement such change. So, I can see the Akaka forces saying we must stay the course. We must not change senators in the middle of getting the Akaka Bill passed. We must not change.

All I can say for sure is that Representative Case has just made things a lot more interesting during the run up to the election primaries in September. Whether he succeeds in his bid no one can foretell. But I support Ed Case and I know he will overcome these challenges. If not this year, then maybe the next time around because, in my opinion, he is the right man for the job.

Have a Great Weekend, Everyone - Aloha!

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