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I Hear You, Sometimes

System Note: I have been having problems with reader comments not getting through to me. By that I mean the comment itself gets published okay on the website, but I'm supposed to get an email notice telling me that a new comment has been left so that I am alerted to that fact. Unfortunately, for awhile now, only some emails have been getting through.

I assume the problem is with how pair.com (my web host) filters emails for spam. Why do I think this? Because some emails get through (including my own test messages) while others do not. I realize the problem could be an intermittent bug in MovableType (my content management system which handles the background task of posting the comment and emailing me) or it could be my host. I dunno for sure.

In any case, if you left a comment and I didn't get back to you it's highly possible that I was not made aware that the comment was made. Sorry in advance and in arrears.


I've had a similar problem on my Livejournal thing. I accidentally flagged one comment-notification as spam. I immediately un-flagged it but for several weeks Thunderbird would, seemingly random, drop LJ mail in my spam box.