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Dictatorship or Republic?

Insert disclaimer here. WARNING: Political content.

US News and World Report has uncovered evidence that the Bush Administration has not only conducted what may be illegal warrantless surveillance of US citizens, but may have also have executed so called "black-bag" jobs. That is, government agents may have, and may be continuing to do, illegal break-ins (see the Fourth Amendment to the US Constitution and case law pursuant to 407 U.S. 297 (1972)) of US citizen's homes and offices.

Please bear with me as I make a comparison that may, at first, seem to be far fetched. Be clear, however, that the Bush Administration would like to spin the choice as security or freedom. They are wrong. The choice is freedom or dictatorship. The choice is living under an emperor or as a republic. And if we choose dictatorship, rather than republic, then, we deserve what we will get.

In 2003, a poll of the Iraqi people found them optimistic about the future after the fall of Saddam. When asked: "Do you think that Iraq will be a much better country, somewhat better, somewhat worse or a lot worse five years from now?" Almost 70 percent responded somewhat better or much better.

Two years later, in 2005, a similar poll found the numbers shifting. When asked: "Is Iraq much better off, somewhat better off, somewhat worse off or much worse off than before the U.S. invasion?" Only 42 percent said somewhat better or much better.

I can't find a more recent poll of the Iraqi people, but I would be surprised if the numbers haven't dropped even farther.

The question is, why is post Saddam life less than Iraqis thought it would be? For many, I would guess the answer is lack of security. People seem to be living in fear. Random car bombs slaughter innocent people. Terrorist's bullets fly through the air indiscriminately killing those unlucky enough to be hit. Even life's necessities like access to clean, running water; reliable electricity; and gas to run their cars appear less available than before the war.

But even under these dire circumstances, in their recent elections, the Iraqis chose not to elect another Saddam. Yes, they may fear for their lives. But in so choosing, they were saying that whatever they have now is better than Saddam's security. This, even though their personal security suffers, they are living as a free people. Free of the secret police raids that came in the middle of night. Free of the kangaroo legal system where people simply disappeared. Free of a ruler who ruled absolutely.

If the Iraqi people can sacrifice so much, and stand so courageously against dictatorship and terrorism, why is it we seem to cower in fear? Why is it we support a ruler who feels he is empowered to repeal the Constitution? Why is that we meekly act like cattle to the slaughter?

The choice is republic and freedom or dictatorship and tyranny. The Iraqis have made their choice. What's yours?

Comments (1)


The Iraqis make that choice now because some 'foreign' country broke their rule and shackles. I suppose it will take the Americans a couple more years of dictatorship and a foreign 'liberation' before they are able to make a similar choice.


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