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Forty Days and Forty Nights

There hasn't been these many days of rain here since, well, [insert fx: voice of Charlton Heston as Moses] never in recorded history [end fx]. Well, may be since 1950s or so. Perhaps we should have been concerned when sales of measuring tapes that indicated cubits sold out last month.

But who knew? Moss is literally growing on the concrete sidewalks. Mold is everywhere that moss isn't. If we wanted this much rain we would have moved to Seattle or Portland.

Even the Hawaii Visitor's Bureau had to postpone a national ad campaign that touts our sunny weather. They plan to start it next week, weather permitting. We can only hope they are right and we get a break.

Now if the rivers turn to blood or a plague of frogs befalls us, I'm getting out of here...


Comments (3)


[voice-over:G.O.D.]... sory pal, the blood is comming but we're are currently out of frogs. They are all in the Sennat for the moment. [/voice-over]

Don Armstrong:

Well, it ain't all like that. Maybe we're just all getting extremely variable weather, or even climate, worldwide.

I just sullied our non-rainfall chart after just over two months, by writing in 3 points - that's 3/100ths of an inch - less than one millimetre - for last night. We had four years of extreme drought, four or five months during which we got a few inches of rain (bringing the last year to something still well below average, and which made the powers-that-be decide the drought was over), and now we've had less than a millimetre over the last two months of summer weather. Even the rain we have received during that period was scattered thunderstorms. It fell some places, some places a quarter mile away missed out. Properties which recorded rain may still have been bone-dry over half their area. I certainly don't want all that you've been getting, but some of it would be a help. We're right back in deep drought conditions again here.

I still think global warming and the climatic variations appertaining thereunto (like that phrase?) is just a variation, not a permanent change. However, it's getting to the stage where I think it's a 200-year or even a 1,000-year peak. In fact, I fear that it's reaching ice-age cycle times. Are we reaching the stage where we're going to tip over the edge into that?


According to the paper today, they're watering their saguaros in Arizona . . . and it's been even drier in Washington, DC.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 30, 2006 5:59 AM.

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