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Kaua'i Kismet

As if hurricanes aren't enough, the island of Kaua'i had a reservoir/dam fail yesterday due to recent heavy rains. Several hundred million gallons of water rushed through the breach clearing everything that stood before it. Entire houses, portions of the forest, telephone poles, and even underground water pipes were swept away. One person is confirmed dead and several are missing.

If that wasn't enough, it's not over yet. The rain continues to fall and other reservoirs could also go (including some on the other islands). Flash flood warnings and watches are extended into Friday so anything could happen.

It wouldn't be a bad thing to say a prayer for the people of Kaua'i.

The morning paper has the story, with pictures.

One example is the photo below. Between the foreground and the house in the back stood two homes. Both are completely gone, along with the people in them.

Kauai flood damage.



This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 15, 2006 6:34 AM.

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