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Yesterday was ANZAC Day. It was commemorated here in ceremonies (see photo below) at the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific in Punchbowl crater in Honolulu.

Why have a day for what may be the worst military defeat in Australia/New Zealand's history? Well, why have a day in the US to commemorate Pearl Harbor?

Perhaps, because it remembers and honors the sacrifice of those who died on far off shores. Perhaps, because it reminds us that war is about people and ideas worth fighting for. And perhaps, in the heat of battle was forged a bond. A bond between the two countries and the world that proved that these relatively new nations were willing to pay the ultimate price of freedom.

To our friends to the south, "G'day and good on ya" and "Tena koutou".

ANZAC in Hawaii. Cmdr. Stephen Hussey of the Royal Australian Navy, right, Lt. Col. Layton Sutton of the Australian Army and Wing Cmdr. Steve Kennedy of the Royal Australian Air Force. Photo:RICHARD WALKER

Comments (1)


[q]Why have a day for what may be the worst military defeat ...[/q]

Maybe it's a trick by politicians to hide the fact they were too blind to prevent the actions or to blunt to better organise the defense.


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