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Gaming Google?

I use Google to search the Internet. But I've noticed it sometimes displays unexpected results when it comes to what look to be time stamps. While I'm sure this isn't a new phenomenon, let's take a look at an example of what I mean.

I did a search on the following terms: "iTunes Linux", hoping to find what the latest word is on the subject. The first link that came up is

"iTunes DRM cracked wide open for GNU/Linux. Seriously | [snip name deleted to protect the guilty.]
The user key is system independent and can thus be used by the GNU/Linux version of VLC," he explains. While Apple's iTunes Music Store is restricted to ...
www.name.deleted.com/2004/01/05/itunes_drm_cracked_wide_open/ - 28k - Apr 11, 2006 - Cached - Similar pages

Notice the part I put in bold. It's today's date. I don't know where that comes from. Does it come from the page itself (because of parts of the page that do update, while the story itself, does not)? Does Google add it in? I don't know.

What I do know is that it gives the impression that this is breaking news that occurred today or, at least, recently. But if you look at the directory that the story is in you can see that it was actually published way back in 2004! In fact, going to the page confirms the date.

Of the 10 results displayed on the first page of the Google search, three (including the example above) have a date appended at the end of the URL. Each of those dates is today's date. But if you actually go to each of those links, the second example was also published in 2004 and the third in 2003!

In fact, even if I do a Google advanced search, where you can limit the results by the number of months since the posting, and I set the date parameter to no more than three months old, I still get these same three links!

Hmmm. I don't know if these sites are trying to game the Google results by somehow making it appear that their posts were released today when, in fact, they were posted years ago or if it is simply a by-product of a page design in which parts of it are updated but the main post is not.. But, it sure gives a false impression, on purpose or not.

I've contacted Google's support center and am asking them why I get the results I do. If I ever get a reply, I will report what they say. YMMV. Insert Disclaimer here.

Comments (1)


What I wonder at is why Google puts dates at some but not all its results.


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