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Lost People

Speaking of cars. We all make mistakes. But when we do, we all have the capacity to learn from them. The problem is, what is learned is not necessarily affirmative in nature.

For example, imagine someone who gets caught driving 90 miles per hour (mph), when the speed limit is 35 mph, and then goes on to do it again. And again. What has this person learned? Certainly not that speeding at almost three times the speed limit is a BadThing. Don't ask me what they have learned, but whatever it is, it ain't good for the rest of us.

Nor, in this case, does it seem was it good for Lost TV actress Michelle Rodriguez. Ms. Rodriguez turned herself in to serve four days in a Hawai'i jail for being convicted of driving, while intoxicated. For the second time. She now must face a California court for her possible violation of probation for her first conviction.

I have another example. This one about a driver who is following a cement truck up a hill. He is in a marked no passing zone (signs are posted and the lane is marked with double solid lines). But this driver apparently feels the law does not apply to him and that he can pass whenever he wants. So, he chooses to pass the truck and pulls out into the opposite lane. An on coming vehicle swerves to get out of the way and impacts the cement truck. In an instant, four women die. But our lawless driver motors on, unscathed, and flees the scene. Since this may end up in court, I can say no more about this incident. But what lesson has this person learned from his mistake? I wonder.



This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 26, 2006 5:10 AM.

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