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Phone Information: Did They or Not?

As I am sure you know, certain U.S. phone companies allegedly gave and, perhaps, continue to give, private phone records to the US government, without a court order (for which the phone companies are being being sued).

But some of the companies are denying such acts. While I don't wish to be distrustful of these companies, you need to carefully read what they are denying. Essentially, some are saying they did not turn over to the government any phone records.

However, this does not mean your private data were not monitored nor turned over to the National Security Agency (NSA). As Robert X. Cringely said earlier in several columns, and Wired News is saying now, the phone companies have installed hardware and software that monitors all traffic coming through their systems. Some of the hardware and some of the applications are allegedly from or for the NSA. Hence, the information could be gathered by these applications and transmitted directly to the NSA without the phone companies having to do anything (like turn over hard copy records).

Be clear I'm not saying this is necessarily what is happening. I have no insider information. But I have learned that is well to carefully review what is done because, well, some companies (and governments) have shown themselves to be untrustworthy. Which is an extremely sad state of affairs. YMMV. Insert disclaimer here.


Comments (1)


Also to note is that the information actually reaching the governement is not the content of the calls but the connetion details. Very interesting for patern matching and searcing but it doesn't say much about what actually goes on.


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