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FedEx Frequency

So, as I thought might happen, FedEx tried to deliver my router to my home on Monday morning a little before 10:00 a.m. But since I was at work, and SWMBO wasn't home either (although she was on vacation), the delivery person left a notice on the front door knob saying I could come pick up the package, after 5:00 p.m., at their office near the airport. Sigh.

But here is where it gets interesting. FedEx came back that afternoon at around 3:00 p.m. and successfully delivered the box to SWMBO, who was home recovering from all the shopping she had done that morning! I've never heard of FedEx attempting to deliver something twice in one day. But there you go.

In any case, I have the router. What I don't have is the time to set things up. I need to shift a bunch of Cat 5E/6 cables around. I may not have the time to do that until late next week.

Speaking of which, if you thought the number of posts had decreased recently, you are right. The thing is, it's not going to get better until I can finish the assignments I had prior to be being promoted. This is made difficult by having new assingments added on top of the existing ones. Sigh.

I am hopeful that things will eventually settle down. The problem is holding on until then...

So, I have things I need to do but little time to do them. For this week, I probably won't be able to do a post on Friday because I have an early meeting in the morning and I need to be prepared for that. Next week Monday through Wednesday I have all kinds of stuff to do so I probably won't post anything either until after that.

As Dr. Pournelle likes to say, (paraphrasing here) it's interesting work if your health doesn't fail.


Comments (1)


The mail here puts in a card if you're not home to receive a package. It typically states the time and date of the failed offering and where you can pick it up. On the card you can enter a second date for delivery or a preferred postal-office for picking up. You can mail in that card (got to add postage though) and they will attempt the second delivery or move the box to your prefered postal-office.
The mail here does work well.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 28, 2006 5:12 AM.

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The next post in this blog is SWIFT Story, Slow Republicans.

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