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Away Wie Go

There is a sports truism that says playing not to loose is not the same as playing to win. This is usually illustrated with examples of someone who was leading an event only to eventually lose to someone else.

I think It happens often enough that it seems to be true. Its almost painful to watch as the hapless individual self-destructs before our eyes. The thing is, it's not usually because he or she lacks the physical ability to win, it's that they seem to lack the mental toughness to be champions. They seem to lack the focus to quiet, or at least ignore, that part of their mind that whispers tales of self-doubt. So, either they become timid, and stop doing what they were doing to get the lead, or they become foolish and take risks that do not pay off.

Now compare them to "Eye of the Tiger" Woods. No matter what score he eventually ends up with, he is playing to win. Yes, so is everyone else on the golf course - or so it seems. But he is usually the one who, having scratched his way to the lead, uses both hands to keep a strangle hold on that prize. He has the ability to focus and block everything else out.

This past weekend, Hawaii's favorite 16-year-old golfer Michelle Wie was leading the tournament by two strokes with seven holes to go. In the end, she lost by one to the hard charging Australian Karrie Webb.

Although Webb has had her own problems in the past, I have to admire the pluck of this Aussie. I think she well represents the best of her country and, I hope, Michelle can learn from this experience and finally find her way to the winner's circle.


Comments (1)


The advantage of trailing the leader is that you have a target to aim at.


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