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Credit Card Fraud?

Or perhaps not. I don't know for sure yet but my credit card number has been used twice by someone else to open two accounts at an online dating service (I'm not going to name the service since it would only send more people to it). I've called the service to cancel the accounts and my credit card company to dispute the charges.

But I have to wonder what kind of security the dating service uses when it comes to accepting credit cards. The service's "Administrative Team" is supposed to call me with further details of what happened. I would like to know if the name used with my number was different from mine. If so, my credit card company says it may just be someone transposed a number, twice. But if that occurred, why was the charge accepted if the name didn't match the number (especially since I already have a fraud alert set on my credit history information because, as I've reported earlier, our State Attorney General's Office had the personal data of tens of thousands of state employees stolen from it). If they used my name and billing address, but a different mailing address, why was this approved? As I said, I'll have to wait to be called but if this was fraud, I will make sure there is an investigation as to who did this and press charges to the fullest extent of the law.



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