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A Gallon Here, A Gallon There

When is a gallon of gasoline not a gallon? When you buy it anywhere else than Hawaii. It seems Hawaii is the only state that takes into account the higher average temperatures here. What does that have to do with a gallon of gas?, you ask.

Well, as you know, a liquid tends to expand as it is heated. The higher the temperature, the greater the volume. But as volume goes up, down goes the density (all other things being equal). Hence, the higher the temperature, unless compensated for, the less energy you get for your money. Put another way, you aren't getting what you paid for.

Why other states or the federal government don't require temperature compensated gas pumps seems to revolve more around oil industry influence then rational laws. On one hand, where temperatures are high, the oil industry has opposed such pumps. But where the temperatures are much lower and therefore the density is actually higher, the industry has supported temperature compensated pumps.

So, how much more do customers pay the oil companies each year because of this lack of controlled pumps? Well, a series of articles in the Kansas City Star says about $2.3 billion USD. That's billions. Per year. Every year.

Yes, even if the pumps were upgraded, the oil companies could just raise its prices, at least you would be getting what you paid for, regardless of the temperature.



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