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Listening to the Sound of the Falling Rain

It's raining again. It tends to do that during our rainy season. The problem is when too much rain falls during too short a time. Like yesterday when the rain caused a mud slide that closed one of the main tunnels between Honolulu and the windward side of the island.

As seems to be the case when these things happen, traffic diverted to other routes. This additional traffic was greater than the carrying capacity of the roads and everything soon came to a standstill.

Fortunately for yours truly, I don't live on that side of the island and I was able to get home without major slowdowns. That said, traffic will get worse everywhere as more people in more vehicles flood the roads.

I don't know if there is one answer that will solve what may be a very complex problem. Our Mayor believes a fixed light rail rapid transit system is the answer. But as the projected costs keep going up (now set at between $3.6 and $4.5 billion), it seems like this solution may be slowly slipping away.

If not this, what? I wonder, as I hear the rain falling outside and I get ready for the morning commute.



This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 2, 2006 5:22 AM.

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The next post in this blog is A Reply From John Umbaugh.

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