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Lost Found

Our newsletter gives some additional details regarding the recent use of the Supreme Court building as a set for the TV series "Lost".

Lost in the Supreme Court."On Nov. 3, the magic of Hollywood transformed Hawaii's Supreme Court building into a college in England for an upcoming episode of "Lost." The flashback scene involved character Desmond David Hume, played by actor Henry Ian Cusick, seeking advice from a former professor. Several extras, make-up staff and production crews were on hand in the front rotunda to film the scene. To give the space an English feel, light bulbs were changed, the Chief Justice's Chambers became the library, and actors were costumed in sweaters and scarves."

Have a Great Weekend, Everyone - Aloha!

Comments (1)

Thanks for this info! This is the first I've read of this part of Desmond's back-story. Sounds wonderful! :D



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