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Panasonic Says Buy Plasma, Not LCD

Now that all the presents have been opened and you're still waiting for that flat panel TV, now is the time to think about upgrading so that you will be ready for the Super Bowl! It's too bad the after Christmas sales don't seem to have materialized. At least, not to the extent I've seen in past years. I guess retailers must have had a good Christmas.

Anyway, no, as I've said before, I don't want to get in to a flame war over which type of TV is better - plasma or LCD (actually, the old school tube has the better color rendition, contrast, and deep blacks and pure whites). But one of the manufacturers of all three types of TVs says, for larger screen sizes, plasma is best.

Why is Panasonic/Matsushita saying this? Well, Panasonic, the article says, insists that plasma has "superior contrast, color rendition, crisp motion, viewing angle and durability when compared to L.C.D. TVs."

Now, as I said at the top, I don't want to get in to any flame wars over this. If you like LCD, more power to you. I think Sony makes some of the better, if not the best LCD TVs around. So if you want to buy one, go right ahead.

As for me, if I were to buy a flat panel, which I'm not yet planning to do, I would get a Panasonic plasma. On the other hand, Sony still makes an old school CRT-type TV that is high definition, 34 inches, and sells for less than $1,000USD. This TV, to me anyway, beats both LCD and Plasma. Happy shopping! YMMV. Insert disclaimer here.



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