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Tables and A Win98 Install

Spent most of yesterday updating a couple of tables which show what the other 49 states are doing in relation to the subject matter of the legislation. Sorry I can't say what the subject is until the package of bills are finalized. But there is nothing I can think more frustrating (except maybe trying to install Win98SE onto a clean disk when you only have the upgrade version to work with) then trying to compare statutes across states. Each state, as is its right, creates there own system of laws. However, trying to identify the similarities and differences between those laws is fraught with much difficulty. It almost makes you want to look at federal laws, which usually are the same for all states.

So, is there a way of installing Win98SE onto a clean disk when all you have is the upgrade version from MS? I understand that the retail upgrade version can be used to install but I'm not sure the version I got directly from MS is the same as the retail. I tried all kinds of switches to get setup to run but it always said that I needed to run it under Windows (which of course, had not been installed yet).

Ally McBeal (sp?) was on last night. Sometimes that is the coolest show on TV. And sometimes, it just sucks. Last night sucked. If their goal is to make all of their characters as unlikeable as possible, they are doing a bang-up job. Many of the lawyers here already hate it, if the writers keep this up, I may also.

What with meetings and continuing research and updating of the statutes I will be a busy person this week. Hope your week is better than mine is looking like...