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Odds and Ends

Not much new going on around here today so why not a short rant? Are you able to increase your salary in anticipation of being busy? Do you raise your price when you think your time will be in short supply? I guess you could if you owned your own business or their wasn't any competition.

So I guess I shouldn't be surprised that a gallon of "supreme" gasoline is just under $2.00USD. This, in anticipation of short supplies. Don't you just love monopolies?

In other local news, our governor went out on a limb this weekend and refused to increase the threat level indicator. Even though the federal government went from "yellow" to "orange" (the second highest level), the governor felt it would be counter productive since no specific threat is known, or at least publicly released. Hence, the state, unlike the feds, will not run in circles trying to catch its own tail.

On the labor front, our union is officially at impasse with the state. If nothing is settled by the end of June, we will need to take a strike vote and see where that may lead. While I am not looking forward to it, I think it may be necessary to strike. Just in case, I'm now beginning to save, rather than spend so no new toys for me until after June. I guess the economy will just have to struggle on without me spending my copious amounts of cash.

And finally, I'm almost to where I want to be with the look of this page. I still want to tweak the CSS in a couple of places and I want to research if there is a way of having replies to comments, via email, be automatically entered into the system. Right now, the system notifies me vie email when a comment is left by someone, but if I reply to the email, my reply, as far as I know, has to be copied and pasted into the comments. Surely there must be a better way of doing this?
