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Touchy Problems

That sound you hear is the seventh seal of the apocalypse being ripped open. National Geographic (see their site here). The phrase brings back memories of the staid magazine with the yellow border that everyone seems to collect years worth of. As a youngster, I can remember that every time I went over to a certain relative's house I would spend hours going through their old copies. If it wasn't the pull out maps, interesting articles, or fantastic photography, it was the hope that a glimpse of a third world bare breast might be seen (I kept wondering why they didn't go to St. Tropez sometime. In fact, I wondered if there wasn't a kind of racism taking place. Namely, it was OK to show non-Caucasian breasts, but not the reverse. But I digress, or maybe not).

Hitting news stands this month is the National Geographic swimsuit issue. I kid you not. The issue takes a look at swimsuits over the last 100 years. I haven't seen the issue myself but the cover shows a fetching female clothed in three sea shells. No, I don't know if they went to St. Tropez or not. You'll have to buy the issue to find out.



I mean they allow you to download some wallpapers.

They offer two resolutions but they define them as "15inch screen or bigger" and "15inch or smaller"
turnig out 1024x768 and 800x600 respectively but they don't tell that anywhere. Very helpfull.
So now you know, anything smaller than 15inch only works at 800x600 , no more, no less.

I agree with you about the "15 inch screen" garbage. It assumes their readers are PC challenged (i.e., stupid). Maybe they are right, I don't know. Maybe they did usability studies and found most people don't know what screen resolution their PCs run. Still, I consider it kind of insulting.

Having said that, they do allow you to download their photos, which is nice.