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Balloon v. 1.0

In the continuing story of the triumph of the geeks comes this link here to a guy who decided to get high. Or more accurately, send a camera, transmitter, and assorted other hardware high into the sky via a weather balloon. The result is some pretty amazing images.

For those interested more in kitchens than the sky, comes this guy here or this one here who has a PC toaster. No, I'm not talking about the Mac software, I'm talking about a PC in a toaster.

Thanks to jwz (yes, that jwz - Jamie Zawinski of Netscape Navigator and Mozilla fame) for the pointers.

I leave work early today for the first of two days of medical scans and lots to do before I go. So I am out of here [he needs more here, so feel free to send all your here, here - ed.]



With such a toaster PC it must be easy to put 'breadcrumbs' on your website ^_^