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What's Up With This?

We still live, I hope, in a country in which we have the right to freely speak our minds. However, as with all rights, there are limits. You can not, among other things, defame someone, you can not incite riots, you can not yell "fire" when there isn't one.

In times of conflict, different people will have differing opinions. But our country can not survive if we do not adhere to the limits of our laws and Constitution when we wish to express these opinions. While politicians may be fair game when it comes to disagreeing with them, I do not believe it is acceptable behavior to assault our members of the armed forces or their families.

I hear from someone, who I have no reason to disbelieve, that there has been as least one incident in which the spouse of one of our troops was verbally assaulted at a grocery store, I assume, off base. "She was wearing an "T" shirt with an Air Force logo. A white female approximately 40 years old approached her and asked if she was in the Air Force. The woman spat and cursed at her when our troops wife indicated that she was not in the Air Force but that her husband was."

Folks, this is not acceptable behavior. It is also disrespectful to the sacrifices that all members of the armed services have made, do make, and will make in the future.

This must stop. If you have a problem with the policy of our country, direct your words at the politicians who make the orders, not the people who have to carry them out.



She should be sent to Pakistan, till the troops go there.
And I do not mean the Air Force lady.

Or perhaps she could "volunteer" to be a human shield in Iraq.

Hmm, too fast and easy. Put her in Pakistan or Afganistan (or Somalia) or some where else where the sharia is used for law. With a mouth as she demonstarted se could have fun there ...