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For those of you who appreciate Rube Goldberg-type devices, you'll love this Honda UK ad (requires Macromedia Flash) here. It is amazing in its inventive use of physics from start to end.

Speaking of Rube Goldberg, anyone who knows their way through a governmental budget knows the devil is in the details (talk about tortured metaphors - ed.). I haven't been over to Jennifer Balderama's site for awhile but today's post (see it here) talks about how President Bush's budget would give billions for defense, but then turn around and cut spending $150 million US for the Veterans' Administration and aide to schools attended by military dependents.

Of course this is the way to honor and reward our military. Make sure they don't have social/medical benefits and make sure the schools their children attend are poor and run down. Of course this makes sense. Not.

Speaking of outrages, the Republicans are trying to make permanent the onerous surveillance safety intrusions laws put into effect post September 11th. Dan Bricklin meditates on what the big picture is and how this war against the forces of safety versus liberty are winning and you are losing. See the column here.

Try to have a Great Weekend Everyone - Aloha!