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Let the Sun Shine

Our graduate school group is heads down as we finish our thesis paper. We hope to have it done by Thursday but it will be a stretch to do so. For example, yesterday I took off early from work and our group met from 2:00 p.m. (14:00) to 8:00 p.m. (20:00).

Anyway, there is much more to do and not much time to do it.

"Something you just don't want to touch." That, from a Charleston Police Major when asked to enforce the city's indecent exposure law in relation to women sunbathing in a city park. It seems some people are offended by women wearing bikinis (well, I agree, they shouldn't be wearing anything [whack!], ummm, sorry about that dear. - ed). It seems the city has been transported through a time warp back to the Victorian era where women must be clothed from head to foot and their faces covered in veils. Wait. Isn't that a description of Iran? See the story here. Oh, by the way, the Major is speaking only for himself [Whack!].



If they are causeing trafic jams/accidents I think some restricions may be OK.
Butt otherwise, I wouldn't even ban going mono.