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Lost Weekend

Even though I was supposed to relax and recover from the rigors of finishing our final paper, I ended up doing all kinds of stuff around the house that had been put off while doing other things.

On the other hand, I did get some much needed sleep so it wasn't all work.

As to computer related things, we got approval at work to purchase some new PCs. We have a bunch of Dell OptiPlex GX1s with Pentium II 350MHz CPUs and 64MB of RAM. Needless to say, they have served us well but need to be replaced. So we will be getting Dell GX260Ds with 2.66 GHz Pentium 4s, 512MB of RAM, DVD burners, and ATI Radeon video cards. In addition, we will get Dell 17-inch flat panel LCD monitors. The total cost per PC is about $1,800, including monitors, tax, and shipping. If all goes well (inset sound of person knocking on wood), we should get the PCs in a about a month.
