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Thursday Tinseltown

A Jedi Knight would you be? Careful be you what you seek. See the clone tapes of the guy who was just goofing off playing Jedi knight but was unfortunate enough to have taped what he was doing and had some "friends" who uploaded it to the Internet. See the "Star Wars Kid" and the Clone Tapes here. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

Speaking of Physics. Stupid movie physics that is, or as Hollywood producers would call it, enhanced effects. This site here debunks a lot of the special effects you see in movies. From guns that fire thousands of rounds without having to reload their 30-round magazines to people running through plate glass windows without getting cut to shreds, this site has it all.



Running trough a glass door without getting cuts is possible. My brother did just that when he was a kid. You know kid, glass patio door that's usually open, ...
He ended up outside not really knowing what had happened ^__^