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Wednesday Waterbrash

Where Do You Really Want to Go Today? BusinessWeek is making the case that Apple should, and is, becoming more than a PC manufacturer (see the story here). Indeed, the model being followed looks more like Sony than IBM.

Tim O'Reilly, founder and president of O'Reilly & Associates, says the push into services [by Apple] is a step in the right direction....As software and services become more important -- both to consumers and to generate revenue -- Apple's moves to capitalize on its brand and bring simple, elegant software and services to the Windows world makes sense...

O'Reilly likens it to the same strategic decision Sony made when it abandoned its Betamax video-recording technology in favor of the more popular but inferior VHS: "At some point Sony decided to compete on brand, software, design, and quality. That's what Apple has to do."

Perhaps Apple isn't dead yet.

Going Ape. In the spirit of yesterday's parody site, I bring today's candidate - Primate Programming Inc: The Evolution of Java and .NET Training.

So you want to keep programming jobs from going offshore to India but don't want to pay good salaries to do it? Is that sucking sound you hear the sound of highly skilled programmers in Pakistan taking the bacon from your plate? Well then, switch to Primate Programming at 69 cents an hour.

An Infinitive Number of Monkeys. Let's face it, some people are anal. You know them, the knitpickers. The guys and gals that just have to point out the cliche we just used. But even as a broken clock is right twice a day, and even as area residents clash with police amid the backdrop of pedestrians plunging to their deaths, I guess they have a point.

So I shouldn't be surprised that someone put up a list of what they call "100 Groaners" - words or phrases used in print/TV that does not belong in conversations (see the site here. But don't blame me if officials say the mastermind behind the scenes is creating a firestorm of controversy in a teapot).
