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Friday Fluoxetine

Bidirectional, multiplexed backplane exhaustion. Yet another IT excuse generator can be found here. I was going to make a snide remark about our IT people being too dumb overworked to use one of these things but that would be mean. So I won't.

Not much going on in the Seto Shack today. We're still waiting for the plumbing contractor to finish the replacement of our shower/tub that started on the 17th of last month. I knew it would take longer than the contractor said it would but its been one month and it's still not finished. Sigh.

By the way, note to fellow Daynoter Brian Bilbrey, I keep forgetting to tell you that, if you haven't already, to evaluate your car insurance now that you are getting a house. I know it sounds strange to say you need to take a look at your car insurance but when you think about how a home is probably the most expensive asset most people will have and therefore want to protect from people going after in a law suit, it becomes clear that you want enough coverage on your car should you ever be, God forbid, in a collision. Otherwise, the asset that people may go after is your home. Not a Good Thing.

So, word to all new home buyers, if you haven't already, make sure you have enough insurance on the car.

Have a Great Weekend Everyone - Aloha!