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Tuesday Tidings

In reflecting on the detours that Life sometimes throws in our way, I am reminded of an old Irish proverb: "It is a long road that has no turning."

Ian Lind is a former big-J journalist here in Hawai'i. He was part of a dying breed - the afternoon newspaper. While the newspaper he worked for is still around (in name if not spirit), they cut him loose for reasons perhaps only they will ever know or admit.

While we may mourn the loss of his voice in print, he rose again in the form of a blog (see it here). Not surprisingly, he comments mostly on things journalistic but there is more to the man than that.

For instance, check out his galleries of photos here, here, and here.

But before you think Lind has gone soft in his old age, follow this link here to more muck raking e-journalism than you can shake a stick at.

While I get the impression that Lind would like to be part of big-J journalism again someday, I think he is nonetheless savoring the twists and turns that life has placed in his way. May your path have as many turns.
