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Man Bites Dog

In a stunning turnaround, the Houston Chronicle is reporting that PC maker Dell is returning some customer support jobs back to the US. Dell, trying to cut costs, was one of the first companies to rush support jobs to India. However, it soon became clear that its corporate accounts were not satisfied with this lower level of support and threatened to switch. Faced with this possible mass defection to its competition, Dell is now bringing back the jobs, but only for its corporate customers. You individuals out there are still out of luck.

On a personal note, if the experience of our secretary, who bought a Dell and had to call customer support to resolve some problems, is any indication you will need every bit of luck because Dells support sucks. She had to call Dell multiple times to resolve her problem. In an attempt to speak to the same person each time, rather than explain again what the problem was, she had to synchronize her calls with office hours in India. But even she could soon tell that the people she was speaking with had a limited script to work from and if the problem lay outside of that script, you were not going to get any help. YMMV. Use at your own risk.


Ya Dell desktop support can be like having teeth pulled with no pain killers, especially if you know what the problems is as they will still force you through their troubleshooting script.

Server support I have found to be very good. They gererally accept what I say it wrong and send me the parts.