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Wednesday Wonders

Speaking of Salaries (as I was in Monday's post). CBS MarketWatch has the Top 10 Most Overpaid Jobs. From wedding photographer to mutual-fund managers. From airport skycaps to real estate agents.

Jakob Nielsen, Mr. Usability himself, has his own top 10 list. Ten Most Violated Homepage Design Guidelines (the first should have been to keep headlines to fewer words - Ed.). From frozen design layouts using tiny type sizes to meaningless graphics to having a link to the home page on the home page.

RU Tuned In? Over at Time, they have their Invention of the Year. I guess, not so strangely, the invention is not really a thing, but a service. As in Apple's iTunes. Runner ups include camera phones, Dean Kaman designed water distiller, Robo-Lobster and Robo-Cat (I'm not making this up).

Another busy day working on spread sheets with various salary projection scenarios so I gotta go.
