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Copy Right

There is a useless tension between customers and the movie/recording industry. As customers, we purchase CDs and DVDs and expect that we may use them how we wish as long as we don't make copies and sell them. Broadly speaking, this is called fair use and is a long settled concept. But recently, certain Hollywood groups have been trying to change the equation by making fair use a thing of the past.

So I am heartened by a Norwegian court that recently upheld fair use by ruling that a customer may do with a DVD as he or she sees fit. Up to and including writing a program that removes a copy protection scheme so that he could watch the DVD on his Linux-based computer.

As long as the courts are free, there is hope. But I wonder how long it will remain so before the DarkForces corrupt the courts and turn them into lap dogs to do their every bidding.

On the work front, the Salary Commission continues on its break neck pace of meeting every two weeks so there is very little time for me to do the work they need me to do in the time available. So, I gotta go.
