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What a Country

The fight is not yet over, but I am proud to be an American when a U.S. court stands up to the President and Secretary of Defense and says, in effect, No, you are wrong. You are not above the rule of law, even if there are enemies out there, the ends do not justify the means:

As this court sits only a short distance from where the World Trade Center stood, we are as keenly aware as anyone of the threat al-Qaida poses to our country and of the responsibilities the president and law enforcement officials bear for protecting the nation..."

But presidential authority does not exist in a vacuum, and this case involves not whether those responsibilities should be aggressively pursued, but whether the president is obligated, in the circumstances presented here, to share them with Congress..."

See one article on the ruling here and the entire ruling (186K pdf) here.

Have a Great Weekend Everyone - Aloha!