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What Should Be Done

Big business hasn't exactly had a good reputation lately. In fact, it seems almost every week we hear of another executive charged with looting the very company he or she was entrusted with running. But hard as it may seem to be otherwise, they aren't all like that. Many companies give their employees Christmas bonuses. For some, this may be a gift certificate for a nice dinner. For others it may be a small monetary gift as appreciation for all the hard work employees do during the year. But this business owner was a little more generous.

Harry Stine, the founder of Stine Seed Co. in Iowa, informed his 270 employees recently that they would be receiving a Christmas bonus from the company. This would not be a holiday turkey or a box of candy.

Stine gave employees $1,000 for each year of service to his company - more than $1 million in all.

Hansen said Stine's benevolence was based on his employees' loyalty and on the performance of a cluster of farming and agricultural businesses Stine owns.

"All of these people help me every day," Stine said. "So it's not a be-nice thing. It's just what should be done."

Doing just what should be done. I don't know of a better way of saying it. I am blessed to be here with my wife and my step-daughter. I am blessed to have a roof over our heads, food on the table, and friends to share the ups and downs of life. May you be as blessed and may God bless you every one.

Mele Kalikimaka (Merry Christmas)

Me 'Oe Ka Maluhia (May you have Peace,)

Ke Aloha, a me Ka Hau'oli (Love, and Joy).
